3D Printers and Printing

Building Skills with 3D Printing
Brian Wagaman has taught Woodshop, Engineering and Technology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics. He also served as the Vice President of the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) for Indiana from 2016-2017. Wagaman focuses on giving kids the knowledge and skills pertinent to what they’ll experience in the world. Taking Off with 3D Printing Brian Wagaman’s classes were recently introduced to 3D printing when their school acquired an Afinia H400 and the Dobot Magician robotic arm. “I’m extremely impressed and excited about the machines,” explains Wagaman. “The students have taken off with them. The 3D printer has had nonstop use for months!” Students use the printer to solve real-world [Read more…]
Tech Ed Students Add 3D Printing to Arsenal of Tools
David Shircliff is the Technology Education teacher for Loudoun County schools. He has been teaching for 26 years, and loves when students have the “ah-ha” moment when they figure something out for themselves. A Surprise Start to 3D Printing Prior to the school purchasing the Afinia H800 3D printer, David Shircliff did not have experience with 3D modeling or printing. “It was actually a surprise when we got the 3D printers,” he says. “We came in, and it was just sitting there! We had an inkling it might be coming, and knew some school administrators had been researching school-friendly 3D printers, but we had no idea they had made the [Read more…]
Students Study Up and Choose Afinia for 3D Printing
John Richardson and Claire Luikart are the IT Implementation Director and Special Projects Manager (respectively) at St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge, LA. Both influenced the school’s decision on which 3D printers are more beneficial for students’ learning and engagement. Doing Their Research St. Joseph’s Academy shows off their spirit with their school’s 3D printed crest. “We got our first Afinia H479 3D printer in 2011, because it was our students’ top choice. They researched 3D printers, and in the process, improved their technical understanding and communication skills,” explains Richardson. Luikart adds, “We’re glad they recommended it! We’ve been very happy with the Afinia, since the beginning. We’ve also acquired [Read more…]
Enhancing Education and Culminating Creations with 3D Printing
Mark Willis is the Tech Ed/Pre Engineering Teacher at Margaret Bell Middle School in Waynesburg, PA. In the Beginning Willis had never attempted 3D printing before getting the Afinia 3D Printer. “When it arrived, I just started printing things, learning from trial and error. Willis’ print demonstrating the Afinia’s 5x5x5 inch build area. The printer was pretty easy to use. Afinia also sent their Vice President, John Westrum, to talk with teachers, walk them through how to use the machine, and demonstrate tricks for printing. It was a great gesture and I found it to be very helpful.“ The manual Afinia provides is also thorough. Between that, and John’s instruction, [Read more…]
Announcing the Afinia 3D Printer-Enhanced Educators eBook!
Young adults and children are our future. As they continue to grow, they change our world with their thoughts and actions. At Afinia, we recognize how their thoughts and actions are influenced by educators and schooling, and therefore, how an education that emphasizes STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) is extremely important. Many of our customers in the field of education have realized the benefits of including 3D printing in their classrooms and makerspaces, and have incorporated this technology into their lessons. Their passion and creativity are inspiring, and we wish to share their stories. We’re proud to announce our second eBook, Afinia 3D Printer-Enhanced Educators: Stories of Success. [Read more…]
Getting Real and Opening Doors: 3D Printing and Hands-On Experience at Grants Pass High School
David Brannen is the Woodshop and Manufacturing teacher at Grants Pass High School, in Grants Pass, Oregon. Brannen has 11 years of teaching experience and over 25 years of experience in furniture and cabinetry creation. Diving Into 3D A vase printed by one of Brannen’s students. “I had absolutely no experience with 3D printers before getting one in my classroom. Honestly, I didn’t even know what it was or what it did when I found out I was receiving one through the Perkins Grant Program. I went to a mandatory workshop thinking it would just be a neat toy. By the end of the day, I was going crazy and [Read more…]
Constructing Knowledge and Connecting Curricula with Dr. Thornburg and 3D Printing
Dr. Thornburg is the founder and Director of Global Operations for the Thornburg Center and an award-winning Futurist, author, and consultant. He recently authored “The Invent to Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom: Recipes for Success” with Norma Thornburg and Sara Armstrong. Learning In Style Studies have shown that students have different learning styles. Some may learn visually, some aurally, and some kinetically. Dr. Thornburg realizes that students all learn differently, also recognizing that “students learn best when they are constructors of their own knowledge.” For this reason, Dr. Thornburg has focused on creating materials that assist educators in encouraging their students to construct knowledge and “become comfortable [Read more…]