3D Printers and Printing

Designing Projects with 3D Printing, Art, Science, and Engineering
Dot Silverman is an Electronics Designer at Instructables. She has a BA in Physics, with an emphasis in Engineering, and she is passionate about merging creativity and the sciences. — Experience 3D Printing: Art and Engineering 3D-printed mounts used in Silverman’s “Mobile Sun-Seeking Robot” project. “I was first introduced to 3D printing during my sophomore year of college, and started using 3D printers extensively when I joined the Instructables team. I’ve designed everything from ornamental products, like 3D-printed earrings, to more functional items, like 3D-printed components to hold down motors. I’ve found that the Afinia works well for all sorts of projects. Playing Favorites “We have a number of different [Read more…]
The Physical Realm of Natural Disasters and Crime: Doug McCune's 3D Printed Art
Doug McCune is a programmer by day and artist by night. In his 10 years of programming, he has a lot of experience in mapping data such, as natural disasters. He decided to integrate his artistic side to transform the data he is exposed to professionally and to visually tell a story of his city. “I live in San Francisco and experiment with data from this area. I love that my art tells me – and others – about where I live. I also work a lot with natural disaster data, which has been fun to explore artistically. I’ll take the data and work in my garage at night exploring [Read more…]
3D Printing Technology-Integrated Art Projects Engage the Community
Corinne Okada Takara is a Bay Area artist and arts educator who creates technology-integrated art projects. Takara creates public collaborative works of art and hosts workshops at museums, libraries, classrooms and colleges. Her most recent collaborative art project, “A Serving of Shapes,” incorporated 3D-printed art. Art and Education “As an artist and educator, 3D printing sparks my interest on multiple levels. I knew I wanted to explore the exciting possibilities with 3D printing and wouldn’t move my work forward without a 3D printer; I realized this especially after attending a 3D printing expo last fall. I was already working in SketchUp, but the thought of printing my designs was exciting, [Read more…]
Toying Around: Turning 3D Printed Parts into Impressive Designer Toys
David White is a talented freelance illustration and concept design artist in Western Massachusetts. He specializes in robot art and has self-published books and other items for fans of robotics. White began creating 3D-printed designer toys in July of 2013. Some of his big-name clients include Lego and Scholastic. Most adults who spend much of their day around toys usually answer to the name of “mom” or “dad,” and spend their time picking up what a Craigslister would politely term “well-loved” toys. David White is an exception. Toying Around White’s days are almost entirely spent around toys. White’s workbench is filled with parts for his designer toys. However, these toys [Read more…]