3D Printers and Printing

Toying Around: Turning 3D Printed Parts into Impressive Designer Toys
David White is a talented freelance illustration and concept design artist in Western Massachusetts. He specializes in robot art and has self-published books and other items for fans of robotics. White began creating 3D-printed designer toys in July of 2013. Some of his big-name clients include Lego and Scholastic. Most adults who spend much of their day around toys usually answer to the name of “mom” or “dad,” and spend their time picking up what a Craigslister would politely term “well-loved” toys. David White is an exception. Toying Around White’s days are almost entirely spent around toys. White’s workbench is filled with parts for his designer toys. However, these toys [Read more…]
Announcing the Afinia 3D Printer-Enabled Innovators eBook!
Some say that 3D printing is in the “infancy” stage, working its way toward the mainstream. Indeed, the novelty of 3D printers increases the excitement about projects that are being completed with this technology. But while some people spend their days dreaming of 3D print possibilities, there are Afinia users who are making their dreams a reality. We’re proud to announce our first eBook, Afinia 3D Printer-Enabled Innovators: Stories of Success. Download the eBook and read about Afinia customers who have used their 3D printers to accomplish great things for business, for education, and for hobbies. Enjoy! [Read more…]
3D Printed Innovations Grow at Robot Garden
Daniel Casner is the president of Robot Garden, a community workshop that provides members with the resources to create technologic and artistic projects, individually or as part of a team. As an indication of Casner’s community activity, he recently received the President’s Volunteer Service Award. “An idea is a curious thing. It will not work unless you do.” – Jaeger’s Facts Daniel has the above quote on his personal website. After interviewing him, it is clear that through hard work, he has been able to bring great ideas to life. One such idea is Robot Garden, a community workshop in Livermore, CA. Robot Garden strives to inspire and educate the [Read more…]